A Fair Lending Strategists helps lenders evaluate, design and execute a strategy to assist in the compliance of Fair Lending Regulations.
Many times a lender realizes they have an issue, yet have little to no guidance about to correct the issue or put into place an effective Action Plan.
Issues such as Disparate Treatment, Disparate Impact, Redlining, Lending Diversity (CRA & MSA) and Proper Training are the typical problems lenders try to solve for.
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Pricing Policy Review
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Redlining Remediation
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Marketing Strategies for Underserved Markets
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Underwriting Disparity Correction Systems
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Training and Instructional Design
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Writing Your Fair Lending Story!
Oh, & We Blog Sometimes!
Finance, Mortgage and Banking
Industry Professional’s
Follow and read, the over 500 posted fair lending and compliance articles written and shared to help lenders understand and implement real world strategies, that create real world results!
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An Issue Is Detected!
Either from your legal counsel, statistician or self-evaluation. We understand what the report says and how to correct any identified issues!
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Establish Baseline & Create
Time for us to roll up our sleeves, dig in deep to your business practice, evaluate and make recommendations. Then you decide what you want to change.
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Build the Profit Models, Remedies & Partnerships
That’s right, fair lending can be profitable and easy to fix and we show you how.
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Full Scale Marketing,
Training & Rollout
With an expert background in sales, marketing, training and compliance our tested strategies make your fair lending production effective!