CFPB Fair Lending Risk Assessment-Part Two-TPO Management! December 5, 2012 By Tammy Butler, Master CMB
CFPB Fair Lending Risk Assessment-Part One-TPO Oversight! December 4, 2012 By Tammy Butler, Master CMB
Disparate Impact, Fair Lending and the CFPB-Part Five-Pricing and Underwriting Discretion! November 14, 2012 By Tammy Butler, Master CMB
Disparate Impact, Fair Lending and the CFPB-Part Four-Pricing Policies! November 9, 2012 By Tammy Butler, Master CMB
Disparate Impact, Fair Lending and the CFPB-Part Three Underwriting Overlays! November 8, 2012 By Tammy Butler, Master CMB
Did You Add These to Your Fair Lending Policies and Training? October 18, 2012 By Tammy Butler, Master CMB