As a banking professional, people expect you to know regulations right off the top of your head. While this may be true for some of the more familiar ones, I thought this list might be handy to keep as your mini-regulatory bible. Now you may wonder why you are getting this information and the research tools in advance of more workflow articles. There is a reason, so stay tuned!
To access the details for any of these go to: and you will find the details for each of these regulations and guidance documents, listed in alphabetical order.
REG A-Extensions of Credit by Federal Reserve Banks
REG B-Equal Credit Opportunity (ECOA)
REG C-Home Mortgage Disclosure (HMDA)
REG D-Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions
REG E-Electronic Fund Transfers
REG F-Limitations on Interbank Liabilities
REG G-Disclosure and Reporting of CRA-Related Agreements
REG H-Membership of State Banking Institutions in the Federal Reserve System
REG I-Issue and Cancellation of Federal Reserve Bank Capital Stock
REG J-Collection of Checks and Other Items by Federal Reserve Banks and Funds Transfers through Fedwire
REG K-International Banking Operations
REG L-Management Official Interlocks
REG M-Consumer Leasing
REG N-Relations with Foreign Banks and Bankers
REG O-Loans to Executive Officers, Directors, and Principal Shareholders of Member Banks
REG P-Privacy of Consumer Financial Information
REG Q-Capital Adequacy of Bank Holding Companies, Savings and Loan Holding Companies, and State Member Banks
REG R-Exceptions for Banks from the Definition of Broker in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
REG S-Reimbursement to Financial Institutions for Providing Financial Records
REG T-Credit by Brokers and Dealers
REG U-Credit by Banks/Persons other than Brokers/Dealers for Purpose of Purchase/Carry Margin Stock
REG V-Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)
REG W-Transactions between Member Banks and Their Affiliates
REG X-Borrowers of Securities Credit
REG Z-Truth in Lending (TILA)
REG-AA Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices (UDAAP)
REG-BB Community Reinvestment (CRA)
REG-CC Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks
REG-DD Truth in Savings
REG-EE Netting Eligibility for Financial Institutions
REG-FF Obtaining and Using Medical Information in Connection with Credit
REG-GG Prohibition on Funding of Unlawful Internet Gambling
REG-HH Designated Financial Market Utilities
REG-II Debit Card Interchange Fees and Routing
REG-JJ Incentive-Based Compensation Arrangements
REG-KK Margin and Capital Requirements for Covered Swap Entities
REG-LL Savings and Loan Holding Companies
REG-MM Mutual Holding Companies
REG-NN Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions
REG-OO Securities Holding Companies
REG-PP Definitions Relating to Title 1 of the Dodd-Frank Act
REG-QQ Resolution Plans
REG-RR Credit Risk Retention
REG-TT Supervision and Regulation Assessments of Fees
REG-VV Proprietary Trading and Relationships with Covered Funds
REG-YY Enhances Prudential Standards
Hmmmmm…..I wonder what REG-ZZ will be? And what happened to Y, SS, UU, WW and XX?